Welcome To Higher Ground School of Ministry

Hello, and God Bless You!

Welcome to Higher Ground School of Ministry. We understand choosing a ministry school is a very important decision. There are many options to choose from. We encourage you to soak your selection in prayer and let the Lord lead. (Rom. 8:14)

Unlike many seminaries and ministry schools, we have no binding contracts. We only want those who the Lord is truly calling to be a part of HGSM to plug in. You are free to take a few classes and, as you do, pray and ask the Holy Spirit if He would lead you to continue. We pray you will.

The 67 class curriculum is anointed, relevant, and effective for training ministers to 'do the work of the ministry' (Eph. 4:11). It is not designed to tickle ears or be theologically obtuse. All of the teaching and training is Spirit-filled and 100% Bible based (Acts 17:11). Selah!

Students who enjoy HGSM grow spiritually. Those who are called into the ministry gain valuable ministry training and earn ministry credentials as a Licensed or Ordained Minister.  This opens new doors of ministry opportunity. Requirements to become a Licensed Minister are: 1) Complete HGSM .  2) Be serving in a Bible believing church.  3) Not be a new believer.

Ministry Ordination is available, at no additional cost, on a case by case basis for those HGSM graduates with significant ministry experience and/or additional formal training. HGSM Track II offers a path for Licensed Ministers to work toward Ordination. Personal references from recent graduates and/or students are available upon request.

Onward & Upward by His Grace!

Rev. James A. Brissey, Jr.
Founder & President HGSM

Your Journey Toward Licensing & Ordination Begins Here!

First Course Included

What Do Our Graduates Say About Higher Ground School of Ministry?

"Higher Ground School of Ministry has strengthened me in my walk with Christ."
~Tom Kirk
"The material is rich and anointed. The teachers have many years of experience."
~Gary Stafford
"Higher Ground School of Ministry made me see my potential in ministry as limitless."
~Shannon Lasher